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Bringing Power to Britian

Lysander Shipping recently organised the safe discharge and storage of 66 x battery units in Portsmouth port.


All units were safely discharged from vessel into storage area with the supervision and guidance of Lysander staff.
We offered Portsmouth as the most suitable port in the area for this scope, which all worked to perfection and full satisfaction of our client.

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Re-launch of website

Lysander Shipping have a facelift! 


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Economizer for boiler to Shanghai

In January, Lysander Shipping transported a break bulk piece (978 x 416 x 249cm / 52,300kgs) from Porto Maghera to Shanghai.

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We pride ourselves on building a strong and trustworthy relationship with our customers and would be delighted to include you in our list of valued customers. We aim to continue to improve our services, use creative transport solutions and turn challenges into opportunities.
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